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International Fuel Performance Experiments (IFPE)

The aim of the IFPE is to provide a comprehensive and well-qualified database for model development and validation of fuel performance codes. The data encompasses both normal and off-normal operation and include prototypic commercial irradiations as well as experiments performed in Material Testing Reactors.

To date over 1400 rods/samples from various sources encompassing BWR, AGR, PHWR, PWR, and VVER reactor systems have been included in the IFPE collection, maintained jointly by the NEA and the IAEA.

Find more information online at the IFPE website Find more about the IFPE database contents

Accessing the IFPE Database

The IFPE database is distributed by the NEA Data Bank to named users with a detailed intended use.

Request streamlining

The package pages for IFPE are designed to allow users to request individual experiments. You can use the link below to access the full collection direct request form.

Request IFPE online here.

DATabase for IFpe (DATIF)

Development started on DATIF, the DATabase for IFpe, in 2018 to enhance accessibility to the IFPE legacy collection of integral fuel performance experiments data. This collection was jointly put together by the NEA and the IAEA. Work on DATIF was overseen by the Expert Group on Reactor Fuel Performance (EGRFP) under the auspices of the Working Party on Scientific Issues and Uncertainty Analysis of Reactor Systems (WPRS).

Find more information online at the DATIF website.

Benchmark models

Recipients of the latest IFPE database may be granted access to GitLab repositories containing models for different computer codes that are used to model systems such as those in the Handbook. Users are granted Developer level permissions, allowing them to propose improvements in merge requests. Available computer code model repositories are accessible to authorised users:

  • FINIX (coming soon)

If you would like to obtain access to these models, contribute models, or propose other codes that could have model repositories, please contact us at one of the email accounts below.


General queries:

WPNCS Secretariat:

IFPE distribution:

DATIF queries:


A collection of reference materials are provided online under the References section of the IFPE website, including a list of contributing organisations, reports and validation publications.