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International Handbook of Evaluated Reactor Physics Benchmark Experiments (IRPhE)

The International Handbook of Evaluated Reactor Physics Benchmark Experiments (IRPhE) contains reactor physics benchmark specifications that have been derived from experiments that were performed at various nuclear facilities around the world. The benchmark specifications are intended for use by reactor designers, safety analysts and nuclear data evaluators to validate calculational techniques and data. The Handbook is a product of the International Reactor Physics Evaluation (IRPhE) Project, conducted by the NEA Nuclear Science Committee.

Find more information online at the IRPhE website.

Accessing the IRPhE Handbook

The IRPhE Handbook and contents are distributed by the NEA Data Bank to named users with a detailed intended use.

Even if you have had access to the online version of the Handbook in previous years, the request must be renewed for each new edition.

Request IRPhE online here.

International Reactor Physics Handbook Database and Analysis Tool (IDAT)

The IRPhEP Database and Analysis Tool (IDAT) was first released in 2013 and is included on the IRPhE Handbook DVD. This database and corresponding user interface allows easy access to handbook information. Selected information from each configuration was entered into IDAT, such as the measurements performed, benchmark values, calculated values and materials specifications of the benchmark. In many cases this is supplemented with calculated data such as neutron balance data, spectra data, k-eff nuclear data sensitivities, and spatial reaction rate plots.

Find more information online at the IDAT website.


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Citation (IRPhE)

NEA (2021), "IRPhE Handbook 2021", International Reactor Physics Evaluation Project Handbook, ISSN: 26175614 (online), DOI:10.1787/8d549c0f-en

Citation (IDAT)

I. Hill, N. Soppera & M. Bossant (2014) IDAT: The International Handbook of Evaluated Reactor Physics Benchmark Experiments Database and Analysis Tool, Nuclear Science and Engineering, 178:3, 280-294, DOI:10.13182/NSE14-37